February 19, 2010

Chinese New Year at Yokohama China Town + Valentines - 横浜中華街での旧正月 + バレンタイン

Last week end, After a long rainy week, the sun showed up on a Sunday as if it was meant for this special day.

Yes, it was Valentines and Chinese New Year.

So we decided to checkout how crazy the celebration is at the China Town in Yokohama.

Apparently it was an ordinary celebration where a tiger looking dragon goes to each store to pray for prosperity and wealth. The only difference I notice was the amount of fireworks they use. Compared with Mauritius and the Philippines, it was like only an intro. It lasted for about 5 ~ 8 seconds of fireworks for each store.

Luckily on that day the tiger looking dragon came upto us and bit our head. It was totally unexpected; hope we get lucky this year!!


  1. thanks! but I actually lost my time updating my blog....
    but I will try again :))
