March 31, 2009

Sunset in Port Louis - ポートルイスの夕日

Picture taken from the balcony of my office.

March 29, 2009

Fr. Andre are you there?

We have a family friend in the Philippines who has a friend in Mauritius. Apparently he gave me a  letter and gift to bring it to him when I reach this island. But then he forgot to add the complete address of the church that he is staying and the cell number written was no longer in use. The gift has been sitting in the dining table for months now. It has been a while and I thought, I mihgt have chance by going to one of the churches here and ask for him 

So I went to this church which was closest from Flic en Flac. The time was around 1pm and there was no one in the Church except for some teen agers practicing their band.

The church was nice and small. Probably 100 people can fit in it. It has been a while since I got into a church. I rather like the atmosphere of the church when there are less people. As I looked around, the masses seems to be in French as the announcement boards are in French or proabably Creol. 

So there it was, I was not able to ask any person who would probably know the existance of Fr. Andre. May be I will go earlier next time.

Whoa! - おぉ!



March 28, 2009

And so I found Pork in Mauritius! - モーリシャスで豚を見つけました。

For almost 4 months pork has not shown up in this island. Knowing that there are alot of vergitarian and non pork eater in this island, I was assuming that I will not see a decent pork until I leave this island. Well they do have pork but mostly in form of bacon. Never thought that I would last of this long. For being a Filipino and Japanese and a regular pork eater, it is considered as not having soy sauce on their meals. Never thought that pork has been this connected with me but then today I finally was able to find a decent pork.  

So while I was on my way back from Port Louis market, different kind of pork dishes was popping on my mind. Since I needed to know the real taste of the pork here in Mauritius I decided to make something with less ingredient so that I will not spoil the taste. So I decided to have it in Lechn Kawali (A Filipino style deep fried pork) style. 

I added a sauce which is made of shredded radish, vinegar and soy sauce. The green garnish is made from the leafs of the radish, mixed with soy sauce and sesame seed oil.

The pork was soooo good that I was about to cry for joy when I had my first bite. It never tasted better! Bon apatite!!









March 22, 2009

Mauritian sparrow - ちょっとかわったモーリシャスのスズメ




Nice sunset after a long bus ride - 長いバス乗りから美しい夕焼け

Tried taking the sunset by darkening.

Even the dog looks at the beautiful sunset. I wonder what the dog thinks considering that they are color blind...

Pocky! - ポッキーだ!

キュールピップのバス停のお菓子屋さんで思わず目に入ったのがポッキーだ!っと慌てて買ってみました。セールだったので一箱10ルピー(30円日本ではありえない値段…)。箱のちょっと右下に書いてある「The Super Snack」がちょっと笑えます。日本の箱にはなんて書いてあったっけ?



Yellow Flower - 黄花


Baie du Cap べ・デュ・カップ

I went on a journey this Saturday to check out the beaches on the southern part of the island.  So my I started from Flic en Flac and took a bus going towards Tamarin. Excited about to see some public beaches like in Flic en Flac.

Running about 15 mins, I probably figured that I was in Tamarin already but there was no signs that represented that I was in Tamarin. So I continued with the bus ride until it's final destination. 

A nice beach I see!

And this is where I got my self. Baie du Cap.

There was piratically no one in the beach except for some fishers and boats. It seemed that I was the only non-local goofy guy taking pictures on the beach which I thought wouldn't be a good idea on staying any longer around. 

Before reaching here there was several beach resorts, golf courses and hotels which I expect to have a exceptionally beautiful view. But of course the price will also be gorgeous.

So I took the next bus which I didn't even know where it was heading. Well it was obviously going south and may be by chance I can find some nice public beach. As I checked my only Mauritius Map from a guide book I bought in Japan, there seem to be junction ahead which I thought there will be a nice view from the top. Since I didn't know how to pronounce "Riviere des Anguilles" I wrote it down on a piece of paper and told the bus conductor to stop me there.

So after riding for about an hour and a half with sugarcane views, I reached a small town where there was no beach that I can see... 

Then again I took the next bus and surprisingly it was going towards Curepipe! So I took the bus and instead of going back the road I came from.

So this is how the journey I had. Basically it was a long 6 hours bus trip I had. Which turned out to be quite fun because I get to know that there was almost nothing to do around the southern part and some quite time to think.

The Blue line is the route of the bus and it was almost 1/4 of the entire island in 6 hours of bus ride!

March 17, 2009

Photos on the way home - 帰り道の写真

Just took some Photos from the cab I take. 
You can see some interesting bling blings which hangs on the rear mirror. 


March 15, 2009

Flowers of Mauritius

Walking home to Flic en Flac - フリッカン・フラックへの帰り道


This is the only road that connects to Flic en Flac.
I've always wanted to walk this road that is sandwiched with everlasting sugarcane fields, a over looking view of the beach of Flic en Flac with a wide view of the sky.
So I decided to give a try and walk!


I thought I would have gone home in 30 mins but it took me more than a hour. It was quite a long walk than I expected...

Trou aux Cerfs crater Curepipe - トゥル・オ・セルフ キュールピップ



Went to Curepipe to check out the "Trou aux Cerfs crater" since last week I was not able to go out from Flic en Flac. The place was about 15 mins walk on a slight slope from the City bus stop.
The 360 view from the top was amazingly beautiful. Too bad the weather was not as perfect as I thought. 
Surrounding the crater is a walk path were people are jogging and walking. On places you see benches where alot of couples and family are gathered.
The picture above directs Flic en Flac


Top view of the crater.


Concrete benches along the walk path.


This looks like a nice road to jog especially with the ups and downs.


Even the dog looked happy!
