January 24, 2010

Modern War

Started playing this game yesterday. The graphics are just awsome but after playing for several hours, started to feel dizzy and naucious... For a person who used to play Super Mario this game was too complicated. But surely the young generation now a days plays this type of games.
It is sad to realized that you actually feel your age with modern games...

January 16, 2010

McDonalds Texas burger - マクドナルド テキサスバーガー

A new series of burger just launched this week at McDonalds in Japan. Four types of Quarter pounder based pattie with different toppings. So we walked to the closest store(just 3mins walk) and had the Texas burger that was currently available.

The burger was made up of one fat quarter pounder Pattie, lettuce, fried onions, smoked bacon and cheese separated with three buns. The sauce that was used flavored like chilli pepper and mustered.

Over all, it was another brilliant idea from McDonald :)

January 14, 2010

Excelsior Coffee

Ever since I started working at my current job, I made a habit of grabbing a cup of americano at this cafe every morning.

The reason why I'm writting about this is becuase I notice something different with the service of the cafe's in Japan compared to the Philippines.

Almost definitely when it comes to the cafe's in the Philippines, after visiting for a week the Barista would recognize me and would prepare my drink before I reach the cashier. On the other hand, the Japanese cafe's or at least the one that i've been going to, does not seem to bother recognize nor remember what I regularly order.

I don't really mind the fact that I have to mention my order each time I visited but I'm more curiouse about the reason behind it. If I was the barista, I would definetely recognize the customer if I get to see them every morning. Doesn't this make the customer feel like returning to that cafe if they recognize you? Is it wrong to be friendly with the regular customer? May be it's cultural. Or simply their marketing strategy is just different.

Just a thought...

I wonder how other cafe's in other countries are....

January 11, 2010

Avatar the movie

Watched "Avatar" this weekend. Animation was not really my thing but since there were so many good rumore about this movie, we for the first time stepped into the XpanD(like IMAX) theater to experience the 3D theatre. Suprisingly the 3D effect was astonishing and the plot was quite interesting.

January 4, 2010

Walk at Todoroki Gulch to Tamagawa River- 散歩 - 等々力渓谷 〜多摩川

One of the thing we did during the holidays was to walk along the river at Todoroki where trees are surrounded. There were several shrines and temples also along the way.

Finally the river joins to Tamagawa river.

And the sunset was simply beautiful.

January 1, 2010

Hello 2010!

It's just about a year since I started this blog and I didn't realize that blogging was this time consuming. Well after Igot back in Japan my post has been lousy. But I will put some more effort this year with more photos from my cell and toy camera so here is the first sunrise of 2010. Turned out to be a clear weather with freezing 0 degree celciouse.

Looking back 2009, lots of things had happen. Good and bad but there are no regrets. Made lots of wonderful friends over in Mauritious and in my new work in Japan.

Lookingforward also for this year. Hope 2010 will bring lots of suprises and excitement.

Happy new year!!!!